August News

For more current news, be sure to follow us on Twitter.

The Honor & Duty VR update is nearing completion. We’ve finished all the “must do” items and now have a small list of items that need to be done. These are items such as tweaking the movement speed, adding a reloading icon, hit indicators, etc.. We have some non VR related items we’d like to do as well if time permits. The aim controller is great for VR and really makes aiming easier.  The interesting thing is you naturally pull the controller up to your eye for iron sights instead of just pressing a button.  You can shoot over and around obstacles while maintaining cover.  Movement is the only thing that is less natural with the aim controller and we’re working on some control schemes to make this better.

We’ve officially applied to PEGI and are in the process of getting setup with them in order to release H&D in Sony’s EU territory. At this point I think it’s just a matter of time before Honor & Duty is available in the UE and is no longer something we were hoping might happen.  It’s looking good and we’ll post updates to Twitter as things progress.

We’ve had some interest in a port of H&D to the Nintendo Switch so we reached out to Nintendo to see if this would be a viable option. Unfortunately Nintendo was not interested in the game so there will be no port to the Switch. The game seemed to be a good fit for the switch but this is just typical for Nintendo.  We were licensed to develop for the Wii-U but never released on the platform due to the low market share. Nintendo never made any attempt to lure developers to their platform and had the attitude that we should want to develop for the Wii-U simply because they were Nintendo. That strategy didn’t really work out for them.  It looks like the Switch will do better than the Wii-U but until they realize developers don’t need them, they’ll continue to finish last each generation.

RC Airplane Challenge is still in the works and will be our next release on the PS4. Development has been temporarily suspended to focus on the VR update of Honor and Duty.  We should resume develop next month and will have more updates at that time.


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Author: Reggie Strange View all posts by

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